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Top Furniture Picks to Pair with House Shaped Bed Frame

Top Furniture Picks to Pair with House Shaped Bed Frame

My TOP PICKS for items that pair well with our House Bed Frame


I get a lot of questions about things I have in Luca's room that go well with his bed frame! So I have compiled them all below! If you click on the picture, it will take you directly to the item if you're interested in purchasing or learning more! 





 Diana 4 Drawer Chest

This is the dresser I have in Luca's room and I have LOVED it. It is definitely the item I get asked where it is from the most often. It has the perfect amount of space, is a great height, and the drawers open and close easily. We used to have an old real wood heavy duty dresser, and Luca would have never been able to open those drawers, I barely could. So we have loved this change! 


Diana Bookcase from Houzz
We are big lovers of kid books in our house. Since Luca was about 6 months old we have incorporated at least 3 books each night into his bedtime routine. It helps him wind down and he loves the time reading the stories. I am a sucker for kids books, so I definitely love it too! When our collection started getting a little hand, I knew we needed a solution and this was the perfect fit for us! It fits a lot of books and I love the look of it!


 Stackable Bins from Target


I bought these bins a few years ago and they are still one of my very favorite purchases! I started with 3, and then bought 3 more, and then bought 2 of the smaller size. I love things to be quite organized and for everything to have their own little home. These are great storage options for books, blankets, stuffed animals, etc. And they stack!! How great is that!? You could even drill a hole in the back and mount them to the wall. 

We have ours stacked 3 high. A few examples of how we use ours- a bin for balls, a bin for cars, one for dinosaurs, and one for allll the McDonald's happy meal toys and other random small toys we've collected over the years! 





 Landry toy storage/bookshelf from Target

  I just barely got this, but I already am in love with it! I am debating on whether it will stay in Luca's room or somewhere else, but it matches perfectly in his room so I thought I would include it here! I have wanted one similar from Land of Nod (Crate and Kids) for years and it was about $300 I think. The price on this one from Target will blow your mind. I was tempted to order multiple of them. Great for toys and books, and the perfect height that littles can reach in and grab something on their own! 






Montessori House Bed from Ruby and Rye 












Luca's bed is from my own small shop! He has a twin size, but I offer them in crib and full sizes as well! The twin size is definitely our best selling size! These beds are amazing for little kids. They love the novelty of it, there's something magical about being in a bed that is shaped like a house. It's also on the ground which helps reduce parents anxiety when transitioning them from a crib to a bed because you know they won't fall out of bed and get hurt (or even wake up)! 


Cream A-Frame Tent from Tnees Tpees

Last, but not least, this adorable A frame tent from Tnees Tpees. We LOVE it! It has a little bigger of a footprint than their teepees, but that's one of the things I love the most about it. It has so much room inside!! Perfect for multiple kids to play inside. We keep some baskets inside to store Luca's stuffed animal collection in. I hate stuffed animals and how messy they make a room look, and they are perfectly tucked away in here with plenty of room to still play! (The stackable bins from above would work great for this too!) 


I hope you found some of these helpful and that you might be able to incorporate one or more into your own space! I don't make any money off the links posted, I just provided them strictly for ease of shopping! 


Miranda Ruby + Rye





Kids room furniture picks form ruby and rye



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